
News. Oficial AAP: 3ra. jornada de capacitación de Árbitros / Primer Encuentro y Misión con la Familia Cristiana del Polo.


The third day of referee training was organized by the Sports Department of the AAP. The same, held on Wednesday 30/5, were invited referees of all levels that are in these days in our country.

"We seek to continue perfecting the referees and give them tools so that they can fulfill their role in the best possible way," said Diego Uranga, Director of the CEAR, Referee Training and Update Center. "We have to work hard on the team spirit, move and develop as such," he concluded.

For his part, the Sports Director and the Area of ​​Referees of the AAP, Marcos Aldao, emphasized that "Unifying criteria continues to be one of our priorities, it is a long work and requires a lot of dedication on the part of all involved".

On this occasion, a joint work was carried out on different plays and their different evaluations. "We care that the referees are the ones who evaluate their work and from the talk they can have a common criterion," said Aldao. "Not only do we have to focus on the game and its rules, we also want to know how they prepare for each match, we look for a work methodology for before, during and after each match, all to improve the sport and the show" .

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