Local Cirencester Tailor, Barrington Ayre Shirtmaker & Tailor are delighted to announce their sponsorship deal with Cirencester Park Polo Club. This season they designed and awarded the inaugural Most Valuable Player bespoke blazer at The Warwickshire Cup Final. This year Juan Martin Nero picked up the award and will be sporting the specially designed Cirencester Polo Embroidered blazer when he returns to award the next winner in 2018. Barrington Ayre have also designed the new tweed club blazers that can be seen on the Club Staff and each of these has had a special bespoke Cirencester Park Polo Club lining made. These jackets are for sale through Barrington Ayre Shirtmaker & Tailor and available for both men and women in bespoke or made to order. Barrington Ayre Shirtmaker & Tailor offer luxury made in England bespoke and made to order clothing for men and women and as a Club Member you are entitled to a special 10% Discount on all bespoke clothing. Simply mention your membership details when ordering to receive your discount. Barrington Ayre Shirtmaker & Tailor have their showroom above Goldsmiths the Jewellers in The Market Place, Cirencester and are available by appointment.